Sugar Technologist’s Association of India honours Mr. B.B. Mehta with Lifetime Achievement Award

Sugar Technologist’s Association of India honours Mr. B.B. Mehta, Whole Time Director, Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited with Lifetime Achievement Award
Kolkata, July 17, 2019:Sugar Technologist’s Association of India (STAI), the national level apex association of professionals associated with the sugar industry and allied fieldsconferredMr. Bharat Bhushan Mehta, Whole Time Director, Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited with industry’s most prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for his noteworthy contribution in development of Indian Sugar Industry.
Over the last 40 years, Mr. Mehta’s contribution to the growth and development of the Dalmia Bharat Group has been extremely significant and he took the sugar business to new heights. Mr.Mehta started his career in Auditing and his exemplary work helped him rise through the ranks. With his expertise and business acumen, he built a capex of over Rs. 650 Crores in Sugar, Ethanol and Cogeneration business.
On receiving the Award, Mr. BharatBhushanMehta, Whole Time Director of Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited, said, “It’s an incredible moment as I receive this Lifetime Achievement Award today. I thank STAI for giving me this award, my colleagues, friends and family who have been a part of this wonderful journey. This recognition has further bolstered my commitment toactively work towards nation building and for the growth of Dalmia Bharat Sugar and the sector as a whole.”
Lifetime Achievement Award is the most prestigious award from STAI, an apex body of sugar professionals that works for the growth and development of sugar and allied industries through consultative and participatory process.