SRMVEC conducted a Prevention Of Sexual Harassment At Workplace
SRM Valliammai Engineering College Red Ribbon Club, Youth Red Cross & Student Affairs Cell of SRMVEC conducted a Prevention Of Sexual Harassment At Workplace ,Anti Ragging and Career Guidance Program for the benefit of all students and all faculty on 11-03-2020.
The chief guests for the programme were Ms.Umasree Raghunath, IBM Global Account Portfolio Manager and Mr. Kumaran M Sundaram, Managers Supporting Global Clients At IBM India Private Limited, Motivational Speaker.
Ms.Umasree Raghunath spoke on the topic, ‘Prevention Of Sexual Harassment At Workplace’ (Which Includes Colleges) [Posh Awareness]
Mr. Kumaran M Sundaram, spoke on the topic, 'Skill required as students' transition from Campus to Corporate' - Career Guidance.The session focused on the opportunities and challenges in the Industry.