CII celebrates 125 years:Tamil Nadu CM launches new scheme at the event

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is celebrating its 125th birth anniversary in the year 2020. In order to commemorate its anniversary, the organization has been hosting several events in different parts of India under the theme
Theme: CII@125: Business and Beyond
The CII is India’s premier business association that works to sustain an environment that is conducive towards the economic growth of the country.
The Journey of CII began as Engineering and Iron Trades Association (EITA) in 1895. Later the Engineering Association of India that was established in 1942 merged with EITA to form the Association of Indian engineering Industry (AIEI) in 1974. In 1986, it became the Confederation of Engineering Industry (CEI). Finally, in 1991, the CEI became the CII.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister on 30th January 2020, announced “Direct CTO (Consent To Operate) Scheme for Green Industries” to mark the 125th birth anniversary of CII. The scheme also helps to improve Ease of Doing Business. The scheme aims at relaxing the clearances of Green category industries.