In a grand pursuit to discover Tamil Nadu’s best culinary talents, Innovative Film Academy’s MasterChef Tamil is all set to go on-air from August 7th on SUN TV!

In a grand pursuit to discover Tamil Nadu’s best culinary talents, Innovative Film Academy’s MasterChef Tamil is all set to go on-air from August 7th on SUN TV!
In a grand pursuit to discover Tamil Nadu’s best culinary talents, Innovative Film Academy’s MasterChef Tamil is all set to go on-air from August 7th on SUN TV!
In a grand pursuit to discover Tamil Nadu’s best culinary talents, Innovative Film Academy’s MasterChef Tamil is all set to go on-air from August 7th on SUN TV!
In a grand pursuit to discover Tamil Nadu’s best culinary talents, Innovative Film Academy’s MasterChef Tamil is all set to go on-air from August 7th on SUN TV!

In a grand pursuit to discover Tamil Nadu’s best culinary talents, Innovative Film Academy’s MasterChef Tamil is all set to go on-air from August 7th on SUN TV! 

~ Hosted by Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi, the hunt for Tamil Nadu’s best home cook will be telecast every Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 PM ~



Chennai, 5th August 2021: Tamil General Entertainment Channels finest culinary battle, Masterchef Tamil, is all set to hit the screens on SUN TV from August 7th. Hosted by Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi, the show is set to go on-air every Saturday and Sunday between 9:30 PM to 10:30 PM. The show is slated to follow the journey of amateur home cooks in their pursuit to win the coveted title of MasterChef Tamil in its debut season. Masterchef Tamil’s famed judging trio for the show boasts pioneers from the culinary industry, Ms.Aarthi Sampath, Mr. Harish Rao and Mr.Koushik S on the panel.


Spread across 30 episodes, the launch episode is set to unravel the hidden culinary talents of homecooks and will further unearth their skill sets in the following episodes through a series of challenging tasks. Offering food aficionados a perfect treat, the show also promises to bring together a slew of mouthwatering dishes from across the globe with exquisite plating techniques. The show will also give viewers a never-seen-before grand kitchen and pantry that the international format is also celebrated for.


Commenting on the show’s iconic premiere, Mr. Saravana Prasad, Founder, Innovative Film Academy said “We are thrilled with the launch of MasterChef Tamil and can't wait for the audience to get a taste of the magnum opus show we have put together. From the kitchen, pantry to the host, we have brought together the best of the best for the Tamil audience and the show is guaranteed to set benchmarks for cooking reality shows in regional television. MasterChef Tamil is all about the celebration of talented homecooks across the state, and most importantly, the celebration of the art of cooking. There is no doubt that it will receive a unanimous, positive welcome from the Tamil audience from day one.”


Commenting on the show’s launch, Ms. Aarthi Sampath said “We are amazed by the kind of talent that has been unraveled in the show so far. The kind of perfection and precision exhibited by the contestants have been on par with professional standards. I cannot wait to see what more they have in store for us!”


Adding on, Mr.Harish Rao said “The element of challenge in the show is what makes it stand out from other cooking reality shows we have seen so far. Every detail such as time management, choice of dishes, and plating skills are being taken into account - which adds to the theatrics of the show.”


Adding on, Mr. Koushik S said “This show is the perfect amalgamation of natural cooking talent and top-notch resources that helps in the unearthing of talent like never seen before. It has proven to be a perfect platform for amateur chefs to showcase their talent. The presence of a charming host such as Vijay Sethupathi and the support that IFA has lended to the project just helps tie the show together in an even more seamless way.”


Tune in to Sun TV on Saturday and Sunday between 9.30 pm to 10.30 pm to catch the premiere episode of IFA’s MasterChef Tamil, hosted by Vijay Sethupathi!