Another Milestone For Srmist As It Enters Mou With Csir-Cbri
In a giant step towards creation of a large reservoir of highly qualified manpower in diverse fields related to science and technology, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed by the SRMIST with the CSIR-CBRI (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Central Building Research Institute).
The objective of the MoU is to set up a mechanism for concerted efforts by the institutes to cater to the rapidly growing scientific and technological knowledge and professional excellence in all fields
of science and technology.
The Engineering and Technology wing of the SRMIST inked the MoU with CSIR-CBRI to spearhead its scientific research through collaborative efforts. The MoU was signed in the presence of Director (CSIR-CBRI)
and Director (E& T) SRMIST and the faculty of Civil Engineering Department on July 20th .
The Director CSIR-CBRI Dr.N. Gopalakrishnan, deliberated on the importance of interdisciplinary research and crucial areas of future research. Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Director (E & T) SRMIST elucidated,
the perks of inter-institutional research and how it could propel SRMIST’s journey towards Global eminence.
The significant points of the MoU include, joint guidance of student projects/theses joint organization of workshops and seminars, Practical training for students at CSIR-CBRI and joint project proposals. The key
functional fields of development would comprise,Civil Engineering, Building Science, Engineering Geology and other branches of Engineering, Technology and Science Head of the Department, Civil
Engineering and his team of experts were present during the proceedings.
About the Institutes….
The Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India, one of the dynamic national laboratories of CSIR, has been vested with the responsibility of generating, cultivating and promoting building science and technology in the service of the country.
Since it’s inception in 1947, the Institute has been assisting the building construction and building material industries in finding timely, appropriate and economical solutions to the problems of building materials, health monitoring and rehabilitation of structures, disaster mitigation, fire safety, Energy efficient rural and urban housing. The Institute is committed to serve the people through R&D in the development process and maintains linkages at international and national level.
SRMIST is an institute with key moto towards eminence, with a vision to emerge as a world class university in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in Science, Technology, Medicine, Management and with a mission to move up through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence.