ICICI Lombard issues heatwave advisory through its IL TakeCare App
ICICI Lombard issues heatwave advisory through its IL TakeCare App
Mumbai, 10th May 2022 : With India experiencing its hottest summer in 122 years and record-breaking temperatures across the country, ICICI Lombard, India’s leading general insurance company, has released an advisory via its IL TakeCare App on how to keep safe during this heatwave.
The IL TakeCare App will now issue a special alert to its users indicating what to do and what not to do during the heatwave. This newly-introduced feature will not only remind users to stay hydrated, covered, alert, and remain indoors as far as possible, but will also recommend foods and beverages that can help the body cool down. Furthermore, it will also scan vitals such as respiration levels, heart rate, and so on using its unique face scan tool. The app will send out these alerts in the form of pop-ups and notifications at regular intervals.
IL TakeCare App will also feature daily heat warnings shared by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and the National Center for Disaster Management (NCDC), which highlight forecasts of heatwaves for the next three to four days, allowing individuals to plan their day better. This app will benefit a large number of individuals, particularly the elderly and sick, by allowing them to check their health on a regular basis without having to leave their house in the scorching heat.
The signature IL TakeCare App has surpassed the 1.4 million download milestone, with over 130,000 health claims successfully intimated and over 70,000 teleconsultation or Know Your Health requests made through the app. The app has a “Face Scan“ feature that enables users to monitor their blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate just by using their phone camera to scan their face for less than two minutes. Since its launch, this feature is used by over 27k people and scanned over 78k faces.
ICICI Lombard is a client-centric company that strives to provide its policyholders with the best health and wellness solutions available. This new feature is another step towards that goal, with many more to come.
Our signature app IL TakeCare App is a one stop solution for your insurance and wellness need. To download, scan the below QR codes
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About ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd
We are one of the leading private sector non-life insurers in India. We offer our customers a comprehensive and well-diversified range of products, including motor, health, crop, fire, personal accident, marine, engineering and liability insurance, through multiple distribution channels. More details are available at www.icicilombard.com.