SRM Arts and Science College conducted Induction day

SRM Arts and Science College conducted its Induction day at TP Ganesan Auditorium. Dr.R.Vasudevaraj welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest to the audience .
Dr. T.P.Ganesan ,Pro-Vice chancellor, SRMIST emphasized the need to discover inner self among students . Dr K.Subburam, Associate Director, SRM Arts and Science College felicitated the gathering. He also implied the need for Emotional Intelligence and skills.
In her special address, the Managing Director of SIMS Hospitals, Chennai , Smt. R. Padmapriya spoke about the importance of dreams and achieving it through holistic development in studies.
The chief guest for the day, Mr. A.B. Devendhra Poopathy, Joint Commissioner(State Tax), Chennai (North) Division, motivated that winners do not think differently but act in a different way.
In his exceptional speech to the student community he said, "Winning is not life itself, it is just a comfort zone. what matters the most is the journey of life".
Head, Department of Visual Communication delivered the Vote of Thanks.