7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.

7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.
7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.
7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.
7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.
7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.
7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.
7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.

7 Step DIY underwater Christmas tree.

It’s that time of the year when Red, White and Green take over. When we think about a Christmas tree, the usual image of a green pine tree with bells and balls and a star on its top appears before our eyes. This year Aqua-Artist and Aquascaper, Mayur Dev introduces his concept of nurturing an aquarium with a DIY decorative piece made up of real moss and plants to replicate a Christmas tree, but under water.

With a simple 7 step process and some aquarium related products, one can have a bright and colourfull tree like structure in time for Christmas which can also support fish.

For Step 1; we began with placing a thin layer of moss on a cylindrical sand like product called ‘DOOA Terra Base’ and keeping them in place with the help of moss cotton. The terra base can absorb water and supports the growth of plants to an extent that even orchids can be grown on these.

Step 2 is to add a shade of Christmas red using a plant called pinnatifida UK that can be placed on the terra base along with white Anubias. A dash of pink can be added by attaching a plant called Hygrophila Chai. It is important to keep the base moist while doing this step which can be done with an atomizer spray. Wood and stone can be glued to the terra base for decoration.

Once the terra base is ready with the plants, Step 3 is to wash and add DOOA Tropical River Sand in the tank. The sand is washed in a gentle stream of water to remove dust. The sand is white in colour which reflects light and thus makes the terra base look bright. One the sand is placed, the terra base can be placed in the tank along with a light source on top.

Step 4 is when water is added slowly and carefully into the tank. It is important that the sand is leveled with a sand flattener once the water is added and any floating debris is to be removed with a net.

The 5th step is to fit a small filter apparatus and CO2 supply to the tank which are easily available at a local aquarium store or online. Once set, a filter starter solution of choice can be added to the water as per instructions followed by a fertilizer product of choice.

Completion of Step 5 makes the tank ready. Step 6 of the process are the 10 days which follow where the tank needs trimming once or twice as the moss starts to grow out and 50% water has to be changed for at least a week topped up with fertilizers.

Step 7 is when the fish can be added to the tank a whole 15 days later.

This beautiful process of having your own underwater Christmas tree can be a fun way of spending family time during the Christmas holidays. Children and adults of all ages can enjoy watching this little aqua-art project bloom just in time for Christmas and the family can have a unique centerpiece to showcase while hosting guests.